5Q Farm – Sales Agreement
This agreement is made effective as of: _______________
Between: Courtney Quinlan(“Seller”) of: 5Q Farm
and: _______________________________________________(“Buyer”)
Buyer agrees to purchase animal(s) below:
Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________
Description(s) : _______________________________________________________________________
Deposit & Final Payment
- To hold an animal, a non-refundable deposit of $100 per animal shall be paid as a partial payment towards the animal(s). Livestock will not be held until the deposit is received. At this time a pickup date will be agreed upon. Buyer shall pay the balance due at the time of pick-up or 48 hours before commercial transportation. Ordinarily, a kid is available for pickup between 8 -12 weeks of age.
- Pick Up Date: ______________
- The deposit can be sent via PayPal (Friends & Family) to cnharland@yahoo.com. If not sent Friends & Family, the 3% PayPal fee will be added to your final payment. Or, the deposit can be sent via Venmo to @Courtney-Quinlan-2. By sending the deposit via PayPal or Venmo, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the terms below.
- Goats will not leave the farm and will not be issued registration papers until full payment is received.
- Deposits on reserved goats are non-refundable except as otherwise noted below.
- In the event of the loss of the goat or illness before possession date, Seller shall return Buyer any deposit paid.
- Buyer has the option to review the condition and health of the goat, including any veterinarian examinations, at Buyer’s expense. If Seller or Veterinarian deems animal unhealthy, Seller will issue a refund or replacement animal to Buyer.
- Final payment is the balance due on animal(s) plus veterinary fees and Seller travel fees (mileage/expenses to meet Buyer/transport). Copy of veterinary invoice and health certificate will be supplied to Buyer. Buyer shall pay the final payment at the time of pick-up or 48 hours before commercial transportation.
Balance on animal(s): $_________
Veterinary Fees: $_________ (usually about $75 if required)
Seller Travel Expenses $_________ (60¢ per mile if required)
Final Payment Due: $_________ Due Date: _____________
- If reserved kids/goats are not picked up by the Pick Up Date, Buyer will be charged $5/day/goat boarding until 2nd arranged Pick Up Date. If not picked up by the second date, the Buyer’s reservation will be forfeited and the kid/goat will be placed for sale and deposit will not be refunded.
What You Get
- Your New Goat(s) will have the following:
- CDT Vaccination – Kids (depends) – Adults (current)
- Disbudded between 3-14 days old (unless polled)
- USDA 840 Mini-Microchip – complies with new USDA Scrapie Program Regulations
- Upon confirmation of payment in full, Seller agrees to promptly provide New Buyer Packet to Buyer. The packet will be sent with the goat(s).
- New Buyer Packet will include:
- Detailed Health Record
- MDGA Registration Paperwork (application and/or original certificate for transfer)
- Bill of Sale
- G6S Test Results proving Normal by Parentage or Individual G6S Test Results
- Latest Herd Test Results showing Negative for CAE, CL, and Johne’s
- Transportation of livestock to the Buyer is the Buyer’s responsibility, although we will make every effort to facilitate pickup by Buyer or commercial carrier. Buyer will pay Seller’s expenses (mileage) to meet Buyer or Transport if necessary.
- Health tests, health certificates or documentation requested by the Buyer, or required by the state where the buyer resides, shall be arranged and paid for by the Buyer. See https://www.interstatelivestock.com/ for detailed requirements for your state.
- Due to the stress of transportation and adjustment to new living conditions, or differences in feed and water, Seller takes no responsibility for the health of the livestock after it is loaded into the transport vehicle.
- If Seller or Veterinarian deems transportation not suitable for the health of the animal (weather, length of trip, transport vehicle, etc. ), Seller will issue a refund to Buyer.
- Seller makes no other warranties, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness, height, show quality, kid production, udder quality, etc. It is recommended Buyer check your animal for “defects” (teats or testicles, etc.) before the animal leaves the property. No refund will be given after the animal leaves the property if a “defect” later appears.
- All kids will be disbudded and wethers will be surgically castrated before leaving Seller’s farm unless sold as a bottle baby or other arrangements are made. Seller is not liable for scurs that can occur.
- Seller does not offer any health or wellness guarantees after the goat has left our farm since we cannot control the management of the goat(s) once it/they leave our farm.
- Any kids who are the result of a doe purchased bred will carry the herd name: 5Q Farm and the buyer’s tattoo numbers. Any animals sold bred are guaranteed bred only if blood test performed at Buyer’s expense is positive, however, Seller offers no guarantees or has any control over abortion, absorption or loss of fetus, before or after delivery due to stress, management, natural causes, etc.
- We do not accept the return of livestock due to possible exposure to diseases. An exception MAY be made in certain RARE circumstances at the discretion of the Seller and shall be indicated by the following additional statement on the Bill of Sale: “Buyer and Seller agree that goat(s) may be returned within 30 days for any reason, in which case purchase price less $200.00 will be refunded. Valid only if initialed below by Buyer and Seller.” ***PLEASE NOTE REGARDING RETURNS: For reasons of biosecurity, this clause MAY only be included for buyers who have had and currently have no other goats on their property, and will not be purchasing any goats other than those from the Seller within the 30 day return period. Even in these cases, the option for return is at the discretion of the Seller.***
By signing below I, the Buyer, acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of sale listed above. Buyer will also allow Transport to act on their behalf.
Buyer’s Name: ___________________________________________
Buyer’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________
Buyer’s Transporter Name: _________________________________________________________
Buyer’s Transporter Contact Info: ____________________________________________________
Seller’s Name: Courtney Quinlan- 5Q Farm
Seller’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________
Email: cnharland@yahoo.com